What to Do About Painful Intercourse

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Pain during intercourse can result from a number of causes, including fluctuating hormone levels and certain infections. The pain can lead you to avoid intercourse, or to make it as quick as possible, which doesn’t always contribute to a superior intimate relationship.A healthy sex life is an important part of your overall quality of life, so you should definitely address pain during intercourse when you come in to see Dr. Ohanian. Once she’s determined the reason you’re suffering, she can help you figure out the best therapies to resolve your pain.

Causes of pain during intercourse

Whether you’re experiencing natural menopause or it was induced chemically or surgically, the declining hormone levels can cause thinning tissue around the vagina that makes sexual intercourse painful.

The tissues of the vagina, labia, and clitoris are quite sensitive and be irritated by certain clothes, soaps, or douches, too. Women with endometriosis, a condition in which tissue from the uterine lining grows outside of the uterus, can also experience pain during intercourse. Skin conditions, a urinary tract infection, and inflammation of the area around the vaginal opening are other potential causes.

When you have pain during intercourse, your first course of action should be to consult Dr. Ohanian to determine the cause. Then she can help you devise a treatment strategy.

Treatments for pain during intercourse

If you have an infection, irritation, or skin condition causing your pain, Dr. Ohanian can help you identify the cause and offer healing and lubricating creams to ease discomfort. If you have a urinary tract infection or vaginal infection, antibiotics can clear it up, so you’re able to resume a comfortable intimate relationship. Endometriosis may require more invasive surgical procedures to resolve your discomfort.

In a large number of cases, however, chronic pain during sexual intercourse is a result of hormonal changes experienced during menopause or after childbirth. In these cases, Dr. Ohanian may recommend you have simple laser treatments with the MonaLisa Touch.

MonaLisa Touch to resolve pain during intercourse

The MonaLisa Touch applies gentle laser energy to the tissue of the vaginal walls. This revolutionary treatment stimulates the development of collagen to help strengthen the tissue in the area. Your vaginal tissue rejuvenates, creating stronger tissue that is hydrated and firm.

The procedure is virtually pain-free and takes just a few minutes. It’s recommended you undergo three treatments, spaced about six weeks apart, and a yearly maintenance visit. You can go right back to your daily activity following MonaLisa Touch treatments, but should refrain from sexual intercourse for a few days afterwards.

MonaLisa Touch is noninvasive and nonhormonal, making it appropriate for most women who suffer pain with sexual intercourse due to hormone changes. Multiple research studies support the efficacy of the technology and hundreds of testimonials describe how women’s lives have been vastly improved by MonaLisa Touch vaginal rejuvenation treatments.

To find out more about how MonaLisa Touch can restore your sex life and improve your vaginal health, contact our office at Bergen Aesthetics.