How MonaLisa Touch Can Help Reinvigorate Your Sexual Health

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If you shy away from sex because of pain or embarrassing urine leaks, you’ll be happy to know there’s a nonsurgical solution available that reinvigorates your sex life.

Dr. Ohanian offers the revolutionary MonaLisa Touch® technology that addresses vaginal atrophy, the root cause of sexual dissatisfaction and discomfort. You can enjoy both immediate and long-lasting benefits of these in-office treatments to enhance your sex life and vaginal health.

Consequences of vaginal atrophy

Due to hormone changes common in pregnancy, after childbirth, and during and beyond menopause, your production of collagen slows down. Without adequate collagen, vaginal tissue gradually becomes thinner and drier and loses its natural lubrication ability. As a result, you may experience more friction during sexual intercourse, which causes discomfort or even pain.

The loss of tissue support in the vaginal canal may also lead to urinary incontinence, a condition where small amounts of urine leak from your bladder due to movement and pressure. Urinary incontinence can not only affect your intimate life, it can make you fearful of going out in public and having an unexpected accident.

Capabilities of the MonaLisa Touch

The MonaLisa Touch system uses CO2 fractional laser technology to treat the delicate outer tissue of the vagina, as well as the vaginal canal. When laser energy penetrates your vaginal tissues, it stimulates your body’s natural production of collagen, a basic building block of healthy skin.

Over time, collagen continues to build, plumping up your vaginal tissue and increasing natural lubrication. Stronger, healthier vaginal tissue also better supports your bladder, leading to fewer incidents of urine leaks, if that’s a problem for you.

The laser energy also has a positive impact on the blood circulation in the vaginal area, allowing more oxygen-rich nutrients to improve vaginal health.

Other uses for MonaLisa Touch include:

  • Chemically induced menopause: MonaLisa Touch is ideal for patients with premature menopause resulting from chemotherapy. Breast cancer patients can achieve excellent results.
  • Lichen sclerosus: Using the advanced CO2 laser capabilities, Dr. Ohanian has documented amazing results treating lichen sclerosus, a condition that causes patchy, thinning skin in the genital area.
  • Urinary incontinence: As MonaLisa Touch rejuvenates vaginal tissue, it can also improve urinary incontinence resulting from the hormonal changes of menopause.

Treatment with MonaLisa Touch requires no anesthesia or incisions. Dr. Ohanian adjusts the technology to meet your needs and performs the laser procedure in a comfortable office environment. The laser energy feels like a gentle massage and doesn’t cause any pain.

Following your visit, you can return to your usual activities without limitations or side effect concerns.

Benefits of MonaLisa Touch treatments

You can enjoy a renewed sex life, and MonaLisa Touch treatments can also make your vagina feel tighter and more like it did when you were young.

Other benefits of the noninvasive MonaLisa Touch laser treatments include:

  • Pain-free procedure
  • Long-lasting results
  • No recovery or downtime
  • Quick treatment time

In fact, laser therapy is so fast and effective, many women schedule treatments over their lunch break without anyone knowing the treatment was done.

The best part is that Dr. Ohanian creates a custom treatment plan, specifically designed to address your goals and vaginal health needs. Most women do well with one, two, or three treatments initially, with the treatments spaced far enough apart to give the vaginal tissues time to rejuvenate.

Results of MonaLisa Touch laser therapy are long term, and you can safely receive additional annual treatments to help maintain your vaginal health and keep sex enjoyable and pain free.

Learn more about how MonaLisa Touch can work for you by scheduling a consultation online or by phone today.