How We Can Help You Get Rid of Cellulite

As many as 90% of women will develop cellulite at some point in life, while only 10% of men will experience the same fate.

If you’re looking for solutions to eliminate unsightly cellulite but can’t do it through diet and exercise, Heripsime Ohanian, PhD, MD, FACOG, can help. Dr. Ohanian offers the revolutionary Cellulaze® laser cellulite reduction treatments in-office at Bergen Aesthetics.

Why you have cellulite

Cellulite is a collection of fat that pushes upward against the connective tissues beneath the surface of your skin.

The tightening of your skin because of the fat deposits pulls your skin downward while the fat pushes upward. This causes your skin to look dimpled and lumpy and can affect how you feel about your appearance.

The exact cause of cellulite isn’t well understood, but higher estrogen levels during adolescence and puberty may contribute to the condition.

When to seek treatment for cellulite

While cellulite can develop anywhere, it’s most common on your stomach, thighs, and buttocks. The condition isn’t painful, but it can worsen over time and become more noticeable on your body.

If you’re unhappy with the appearance of dimpled cellulite skin, you may first try making lifestyle and diet changes to reduce cellulite. Daily exercises, like running and cycling, can flatten areas of cellulite on your skin and increase blood flow throughout your body to speed up fat loss.

You should also follow a low-calorie, low-carb diet and limit your use of salt to prevent a worsening of your cellulite.

If these changes aren’t enough to improve your skin’s appearance, you can schedule a cellulite evaluation at Bergen Aesthetics. Dr. Ohanian can determine if Cellulaze treatments can help you achieve your cellulite reduction goals.

How Cellulaze treats stubborn cellulite

Cellulaze laser treatments use laser energy to eliminate fat cells beneath the surface of your skin that contribute to cellulite. The energy also helps relax the targeted connective tissues that pull your skin down and make cellulite more noticeable.

Another benefit of Cellulaze treatments is their ability to renew your body’s collagen production. Collagen is an essential protein of healthy skin, and when you produce more of it, the tissues in the treatment area become tighter.

We perform Cellulaze laser treatments in-office. Dr. Ohanian provides a local anesthetic to keep you comfortable and the only side effects Cellulaze may cause include temporary swelling and some minor bruising.

The procedure doesn’t take long and there’s no need to plan for a long recovery time. Many people can resume their usual activities within a few days of their laser treatments.

What to expect after Cellulaze cellulite treatments

After your Cellulaze treatments, it takes time for your body to break down and eliminate the destroyed fat cells as waste. You also need to allow some time for your body to produce new collagen.

Typically, you can start to see results within four weeks of your laser sessions. Your results continue to improve in the months after your treatment and you can maintain them with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Dr. Ohanian can determine how many sessions you need based on your aesthetic goals and the severity of your cellulite. Many people see noticeable results after just one treatment.

If you’re ready to get rid of stubborn cellulite to improve the appearance of your thighs, abdomen or other areas of puckered skin, call Bergen Aesthetics today to schedule a Cellulaze consultation or book an appointment online.

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