Body Sculpting: More Effective Choices Than Ever

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It isn’t always easy, but you do your best to exercise nearly every day of the week and eat a nutritious, junk-free diet. And for the most part, your efforts continue to pay off — you feel good, and, according to your bathroom scale, you’re at a healthy body weight.But if you’re like many adults, you’ve learned through years of trial and error that even the cleanest diet and most efficient workout routine can’t always give you the body you want. Whether you’re genetically prone to storing fat in certain places or your slowing metabolism has made it harder to keep persistent fat at bay, we have a body sculpting solution that will work for you.

Ongoing innovations in aesthetic medicine make it easier than ever to eliminate unwanted areas of diet- and exercise-resistant fat and create the shape you’ve always desired. Here at Bergen Aesthetics in Paramus, New Jersey, we’re proud to offer the most advanced and effective body sculpting treatments available, ranging from noninvasive methods that don’t require an incision to revolutionary new liposuction techniques.

Read on to find out which one may be right for you:

Advanced body sculpting without surgery

Long gone are the days when liposuction was the only way to effectively target areas of unwanted fat. Noninvasive body contouring, or sculpting treatments that don’t require any incisions or anesthesia, have quickly become one of the most popular ways to get rid of persistent fat without any downtime.

We offer the following noninvasive body sculpting treatments at Bergen Aesthetics:


This award-winning nonsurgical body sculpting platform by Energist® Aesthetic Solutions uses advanced laser energy to shape and sculpt targeted areas and permanently eliminate unwanted fat in as little as 20 minutes. Safe, effective, and pain-free, i-Lipo is the first direct skin contact laser device designed for fat reduction and body sculpting to be FDA-cleared for circumference reduction.

As the laser device passes over the treatment area, it emits therapeutic levels of energy that prompt the breakdown of stored triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol, which are released from the cells and transported to other tissues in your body that will use them to create energy.  

Most adults see a 30% reduction in fat layer depth after just one i-Lipo treatment, with improved results after further treatments.


BodyFX by InMode is a groundbreaking nonsurgical body sculpting treatment that permanently eliminates unwanted fat in larger body areas, including the abdomen, flanks, and thighs. It uses a highly advanced negative pressure massage handpiece to painlessly deliver radiofrequency (RF) energy into the deepest deposits of unwanted fat.

When the RF energy heats the targeted fat cells from within, they can no longer function properly, and your lymphatic system flushes them from your body. Clinical studies have shown that BodyFX is effective for both reducing fat and increasing firmness.

Minimally invasive body sculpting techniques

If you’re looking for a minimally invasive body sculpting treatment that offers the same stellar results as traditional liposuction, but with less downtime, look no further. Here at Bergen Aesthetics, we’ve helped countless adults get rid of persistent fat quickly, safely, and effectively using up-to-the-minute, minimally invasive liposuction treatments, including:

Smartlipo Triplex™

Smartlipo combines laser energy with gentle liposuction to permanently eliminate areas of unwanted fat. Done under local anesthetic for maximum comfort, the procedure involves inserting a thin laser fiber into an area of fat through a very small incision.

Once the laser is activated, it ruptures the membranes of targeted fat cells, which effectively melts, or liquifies them. The liquefied fat is then gently suctioned out.

The Smartlipo laser uses wavelengths of energy that destroy fat cells as well as stimulate collagen renewal and coagulate blood vessels. As a result, the treatment delivers tighter, smoother skin along with a more contoured shape.

Smartlipo is an ideal way to get rid of unwanted areas of cellulite; it’s also helpful for reducing the appearance of scars, including surgical scars from a C-section.  

Tumescent liposuction

Tumescent liposuction is a minimally invasive liposuction process that involves injecting a water solution containing a very dilute anesthetic and a medicine to constrict local capillaries. This solution causes the targeted fat cells to firm up, making them much easier to dislodge and remove.  

Tumescent liposuction is less forceful than traditional liposuction methods, resulting in less trauma to surrounding tissues, less bruising and swelling afterward, and a shorter recovery time.  

More body sculpting solutions designed with you in mind

At Bergen Aesthetics, we recognize that every patient is unique, and we want to help you meet your body sculpting goals as safely, effectively, and beautifully as possible.

In addition to providing noninvasive and minimally invasive solutions, we also offer a complete menu of traditional liposuction and surgical contouring treatments, including Avelar abdominoplasty, an innovative tummy tuck technique that combines liposuction with the surgical removal of excess skin.    

We also offer body sculpting via fat transfer, a popular and non-allergenic procedure that removes fat from areas it’s not wanted, purifies it, and redeposits it where you’d like to see more curves.  

To learn more about all available body sculpting options at Bergen Aesthetics, call our Paramus office or schedule a consultation with Dr. Ohanian using our convenient online booking tool.