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As you get older, many parts of your body change – and not always for the best. In women, vaginal health can begin declining during perimenopause, the years leading up to menopause, when periods stop for good.

As an experienced physician, Dr. Heripisime Ohanian understands how changes in your vaginal health can affect your sex life and your self-confidence. At Bergen Aesthetics, Dr. Ohanian offers nonsurgical treatments, including MonaLisa Touch®, to restore your vaginal health and function.

Common vaginal changes that occur with age

Perimenopause is the phase of life every woman goes through that leads up to the end of their childbearing years. This phase can begin in your early 40s and last for up to 10 years before your periods end completely, at which point you’ve officially reached menopause.

During perimenopause, your body stop producing as much estrogen and other reproductive hormones as it did when you were younger. This hormone loss can affect your vaginal health in several ways including:

Loss of strength

Less estrogen causes less blood to flow into your vagina which can weaken your vaginal tissues as well as your pelvic floor muscles.

You might be at increased risk for urinary incontinence, a condition where you leak urine unexpectedly when any force is applied to your bladder, such as during a cough or sneeze.


In addition to decreased blood flow to the vaginal area, your body also slows down its production of collagen in vaginal tissues.

Collagen is an essential protein needed for healthy skin. Without a sufficient supply, the tissues in your vagina atrophy (shrink) and become thinner and drier. This loss of collagen can cause persistent, and even painful, itchiness.

Persistent dryness can also increase your risk for recurrent vaginal infections.

Loss of sensation

Age-related vaginal changes can change how you experience sex. The loss of natural lubrication can make sex painful. Some women even find it increasingly difficult to experience sexual satisfaction and achieve orgasms during sex because of the pain and dryness.

If you’re already experiencing noticeable side effects of estrogen loss, Dr. Ohanian can determine if you’re a candidate for treatment with MonaLisa Touch.

How MonaLisa Touch can address age-related vaginal changes

MonaLisa Touch is a noninvasive treatment option for the vaginal discomfort you feel as you get older. This technology uses CO2 fractional laser technology to stimulate your vaginal tissues.

The laser energy triggers your body to produce more collagen to hydrate and plump the tissue in your vaginal walls. This healthy tissue better supports your pelvic floor to relieve urinary incontinence and reduce vaginal dryness.

Treatment with MonaLisa Touch also improves your body’s own lubrication ability. With just a few treatments, you find relief of chronic dryness to improve your experience and satisfaction during sex.

What to expect during treatment

Treatment with the MonaLisa Touch technology is a quick procedure that Dr. Ohanian performs in our office. You won’t even need anesthesia or medication to tolerate the treatment.

Dr. Ohanian inserts the MonaLisa Touch device into your vaginal canal to deliver the laser energy into the surrounding tissues. The entire visit takes 30 minutes or less, and you can lie back and relax while it happens.

Immediately after your treatment, you can go back to your usual activities without the need for recovery time. Side effects of MonaLisa Touch treatments are minimal, and Dr. Ohanian can discuss how to manage any issues you have following your procedure. She can also tell you when it’s safe to resume sex.

If you live in or around Paramus, New Jersey, our office is conveniently located near you. To find out how MonaLisa Touch can improve your vaginal health, call Bergen Aesthetics today or book a consultation online.