Noninvasive Treatments for Getting Urinary Incontinence Under Control

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If you can’t leave the house without wearing an absorbent pantyliner due to unexpected urine leaks, know that help is available to get you back in control of your bladder.

Here at Bergen Aesthetics, Dr. Heripsime Ohanian is an experienced urinary incontinence specialist who understands the embarrassment of urine leaks and how they can negatively impact your life. She offers several nonsurgical, noninvasive treatment options to reduce the frequency and severity of urine leaks to increase your quality of life.

Causes of urine leaks

Urinary incontinence is a common condition that affects both men and women, especially as they get older. Women may be more susceptible to frequent urine leaks due to the structure of their bodies and the many changes they go through over their lifetimes.

In many cases, chronic urinary incontinence can be traced back to changes in the muscles of the pelvic floor that support your bladder and help you stay in control of urination. These changes can weaken the pelvic floor muscles, allowing urine to leak out at unexpected times.

Pelvic floor changes are most often due to:

  • Pregnancy
  • Childbirth
  • Menopause

You may also develop urinary incontinence following a hysterectomy, a procedure to remove your uterus and other reproductive organs.

For some women, these biological factors can also cause frequent urinary tract infections or constipation, both of which can contribute to urinary incontinence.

Treatment options for mild urine leaks

It’s important for anyone experiencing chronic urinary incontinence to know that Dr. Ohanian can help address the root cause of your urinary incontinence issues, so don’t shy away from discussing your struggles with her during your visit.

For mild cases of urinary incontinence, Dr. Ohanian may recommend certain lifestyle changes that can decrease urinary frequency and eliminate unexpected leaks. These changes may include:

  • Reducing caffeine use
  • Urinating more frequently
  • Using the bathroom on a schedule

Double voiding is also an effective practice that ensures your bladder is truly empty when you visit the bathroom. During each trip, you pass urine more than once by focusing on using your bladder muscles to allow more urine to empty out.

Addressing moderate urine leaks

If you have moderate urinary incontinence, Dr. Ohanian may recommend pelvic floor exercises that use certain techniques to strengthen your pelvic floor to better support your bladder. These exercises can also go a long way to helping you regain control over your bladder function.

Kegel exercises are a popular option for strengthening your pelvic muscles. The technique involves contracting and releasing your pelvic muscles, just like you would do to stop an active stream of urine.

These simple exercises can be done discreetly anywhere, including at work and at home, to significantly improve your control over urine flow.

Options for severe urinary incontinence

If you try the recommended exercises and noninvasive therapies to treat urinary incontinence with no results, Dr. Ohanian can recommend more advanced treatments, such as electrical stimulation to improve bladder muscle contraction.

There are also medical devices that can help resolve chronic urinary incontinence by keeping your bladder in the proper position.

If these treatments aren’t enough to end your struggles with urine leaks, you may need surgery to repair structural issues that interfere with bladder control.

Dr. Ohanian works closely with you to determine the best course of treatment, especially focusing on the noninvasive options available to protect your health and avoid unnecessary trauma to the body.

If you’re ready to address unexpected urine leaks, schedule a consultation with us at Bergen Aesthetics today. Just click the button here on the website to contact us or call our office in Paramus, New Jersey.