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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one in five people in the United States has a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

If you test positive for gonorrhea, syphilis, or another type of STD, Dr. Heripsime Ohanian and our team at Bergen Aesthetics can customize a treatment plan to clear the infection. We also provide management services to protect your reproductive and physical health in the .

More about STDs

STDs are infections that you can contract and spread to other people through sexual contact. The infection can be viral, bacteria, fungal, or parasitic and can be transmitted through unprotected vaginal, oral, and anal sex with an infected person.

While there are over 20 different types of STDS, some of the most common include:

  • Syphilis
  • Chlamydia
  • Gonorrhea
  • Genital herpes
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
  • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

These conditions can cause symptoms that range from mild to severe. However, some STDs cause no symptoms at all and without testing, you may not know you have an infection. This increases your risk for spreading the disease to others.

Options for STD testing and treatment

To diagnose the root cause of vaginal or penile discharge, genital sores, or other common symptoms of an STD, we offer on-site testing services. Our team also recommends STD testing if you have unprotected sex with a person who might be infected so you can identify the infection before you have symptoms.

Testing for STDs usually involves an exam of your genitals to check for warts, blisters, or other physical symptoms. We can also perform a Pap smear and blood tests to confirm an STD and what type you have.

Treatment plans for STDs typically involve medications. If you have an infection caused by parasites or bacteria, you may need a course of antibiotics to clear it. Viral infections aren’t treatable with antibiotics, but we offer other medications to help you better manage your symptoms and reduce your risk for spreading the disease to others.

Without treatment, some STDs can cause serious medical complications, including infertility and cancer, and the spread of infection to other parts of your body.

Long-term outlook for positive STD tests

Many STDS will clear up soon after you begin treatment. Some STDS, including HIV, herpes, and HPV, require long-term treatment plans to keep your symptoms under control and prevent additional health complications.

Depending on the type of STD you have, Dr. Ohanian customizes a treatment plan that focuses on protecting your reproductive and physical health. You also need to use condoms to prevent the spread of the disease to others.

Routine screenings for STDs are recommended if you have more than one sexual partner and if you have unprotected sex with someone who might be infected. Testing is also important if you develop unusual symptoms that need a diagnosis.

After reviewing information about your lifestyle, your sexual partners, and your general health, we can help you determine when you need to be tested for STDs.

To schedule STD testing or to learn more about your treatment options, schedule a consultation online or call our office in Paramus, New Jersey.