Reveal Your Best Shape This Year with Our Custom Body Contouring Solutions

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When you’re close to an ideal weight but can’t seem to shed those love handles or stubborn pockets of belly fat, it’s time to explore your options for custom body contouring.At Bergen Aesthetics, we offer personalized treatment plans for nonsurgical body contouring. Aesthetic specialist Heripsime Ohanian, PhD, MD FACOG, uses advanced technologies to eliminate unwanted fat deposits and resculpt the contours of your body.

What to know about body contouring

Body contouring is a medical procedure to tighten loose skin, reshape the contours of your body, and eliminate fat.

The goal of minimally invasive body contouring available at Bergen Aesthetics is to improve the appearance of the treatment area without major surgery.

Dr. Ohanian can determine which body contouring treatments are a good fit for you after a comprehensive health evaluation and an assessment of your skin. She customizes a plan to address only the areas you want to treat, so you can look and feel your best.

Fat reduction body contouring options

If you’re interested in targeting areas of unwanted fat in your face or on your body, you might be a candidate for treatments like:


Smartlipo is a laser-assisted treatment that uses laser fiber to destroy fat cells. The laser liquifies targeted cells and Dr. Ohanian suctions them out of the body. She can also use heat from the laser to tighten nearby tissues to firm the treatment area.


I-lipo is a laser body contouring treatment that uses low levels of laser energy to break down fat cells in as little as 20 minutes without surgery.  Treat fat cells move around the body and create more energy to enhance your metabolism.


BodyFX by InMode is a noninvasive body contouring system that uses radio-frequency energy to heat the skin and the fatty tissues below.

A negative pressure massage handpiece helps the energy reach deep into fatty tissues to reduce fat deposits and improve the firmness of the treatment area.

Avelar abdominoplasty

Avelar abdominoplasty removes excess fat from your abdomen without the need for large incisions or extensive tissue damage.

More body contouring solutions  to enhance your physique

While many people use body contouring to eliminate stubborn fat and improve their figure, there are also body contouring solutions available to enhance areas where you’ve lost fat due to aging.

If you’re bothered by wrinkles or lost volume in your face or body, Dr. Ohanian might suggest a fat transfer procedure. During this treatment, she takes unwanted fat from one area of your body and transfers it to another to give your contours a more youthful appearance.

We also offer minimally invasive lift surgeries for your breasts, face, and neck that tighten skin that becomes lax with aging and makes you look older than you are. Lift surgery can significantly improve your appearance and give you a well-deserved boost of self-confidence.

Because Dr. Ohanian designs a treatment plan to your unique body type and aesthetic goals, your results are long-lasting and look natural.

Call Bergen Aesthetics today to schedule a body contouring consultation or book an appointment online.