Understanding the Link Between Menopause and Urinary Incontinence

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Menopause can be a smooth transition for women but many also experience health challenges they’ve never faced before, including urinary incontinence.

At Bergen Aesthetics, we offer a range of nonsurgical therapies to treat urogynecology issues that become more common in postmenopausal women. Heripsime Ohanian, PhD, MD, FACOG, can provide the resources you need to improve your vaginal health and the function of your bladder to prevent embarrassing urine leaks.

How menopause increases your risk for urinary incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence is a loss of bladder control that can cause unexpected leaks of urine when you laugh, cough, or sneeze. You may also experience an urgent need to urinate (urge incontinence) but have difficulties making it to the bathroom in time before urine leaks out.

Menopause is a natural transition women go through when they reach the end of their child-bearing years. During this time, you can experience a wide range of symptoms that affect your physical, reproductive, and sexual health.

During the menopause transition, your estrogen levels begin to decline, causing a thinning in the lining of your urethra, the short tube that moves urine out of the body. This thinning can make it harder to control the flow of urine.

The loss of estrogen can also weaken the pelvic floor muscles, which play a role in holding your bladder in place. Weak muscles allow urine to pass out of the body unexpectedly, especially when there’s an increase in pressure on your bladder during a sneeze or other sudden movement.

When to seek help for urinary incontinence

While urinary incontinence can be a side effect of menopause, it’s not considered to be a natural part of aging. Schedule a diagnostic evaluation at Bergen Aesthetics if you have trouble controlling your bladder or if frequent urine leaks are interfering with your quality of life.

Dr. Ohanian performs a comprehensive physical and pelvic exam to evaluate your structures in your pelvic floor. She may also complete urine testing to check for urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other issues that can contribute to urine leaks.

The earlier you seek treatment for urinary incontinence, the less invasive your treatment may be. Often, mild incontinence is manageable with lifestyle changes like limiting the use of caffeine and following a schedule for bathroom visits.

Other treatments for urinary incontinence

When you have moderate to severe urinary incontinence, Dr. Ohanian may recommend treatment strategies like:

Pelvic floor exercises

Pelvic floor activities like kegel exercises target the muscles that support your bladder. Daily exercises increase muscle strength and can prevent urine leaks over time.

MonaLisa Touch®

MonaLisa Touch uses CO2 fractional laser energy to rejuvenate the health of your vaginal tissues. The laser energy stimulates an increase in collagen production to plump vaginal tissues to better support your bladder.


Surgery to place a medical device that holds your bladder in place may be necessary if your urine leaks are frequent or severe. You may also be a candidate for surgery to repair weak or damaged pelvic floor muscles.

Dr. Ohanian discusses your options for surgery and other therapies, so you can make the most informed decisions about your health. She can also provide resources to address vaginal dryness and other issues that occur when menopause.

Call Bergen Aesthetics in Paramus, New Jersey, to schedule a consultation for urinary incontinence or book an appointment online today.