What Can Help with My Loss of Bladder Control?

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Unexpected bladder leaks can be devastating in public situations. If you’ve stopped going out because of urinary incontinence or have concerns about frequent loss of bladder control, you can find the help you need at Bergen Aesthetics.

Our experienced gynecologist Heripsime Ohanian, PhD, MD, FACOG, specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence in women.

Dr. Ohanian designs care plans based on your individual needs and the severity of your symptoms, so you can feel confident again. She uses advanced technologies and techniques to address the root cause of your bladder issues to ensure your results are long-lasting.

Why you’re losing control over your bladder

The bladder is an organ that sits in your pelvic floor region and is held in place by your pelvic floor muscles. As you age, these muscles can become weaker and may not be able to prevent urine from leaking out of the bladder. Weak muscles can also allow your bladder to fall downward.

In addition to aging, other factors can influence the strength and function of your pelvic floor muscles, including:

Women transitioning to menopause, the time when your periods stop for good, may also be at increased risk for frequent bladder leaks. Loss of bladder control can be a side effect of the decline in estrogen, a reproductive hormone that supports muscle tissue health.

The best time to get help for bladder leaks

Early intervention of urinary incontinence is recommended, so you don’t have to suffer unnecessarily with embarrassment. With early medical attention, you may be able to treat bladder leaks without invasive procedures like surgery.

Schedule a urogynecology appointment at Bergen Aesthetics if you experience unexpected or sudden bladder leaks when you:

  • Cough
  • Sneeze
  • Laugh
  • Exercise

You should also meet with Dr. Ohanian if you often experience an urgent need to pee but can’t make it to the bathroom in time.

We offer several tests in-office, including pelvic exams and urine testing, to rule out infection and other medical conditions. Dr. Ohanian also uses computerized testing to determine the exact cause of your urinary issues, so she can create the best treatment plan.

Treatment options that can resolve loss of bladder control

In the earliest stages of urinary incontinence when your symptoms are still mild and occasional, Dr. Ohanian may recommend several lifestyle changes you can make to improve bladder control. Such changes may include:

  • Avoiding caffeine
  • Limiting liquids several hours before bed
  • Using the bathroom on a schedule
  • Doing pelvic floor exercises

When these strategies aren’t working well or you have severe bladder leak issues, Dr. Ohanian can discuss your options for electrical stimulation to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles or a special medical device that supports your bladder.

If nonsurgical therapies can’t treat your condition, Dr. Ohanian can determine if you’re a candidate for surgery to repair weak or damaged muscles in your pelvic floor.

Call Bergen Aesthetics in Paramus, New Jersey, to schedule a consultation for bladder leaks or book an appointment online today.